
Hi there! I'm Phil Dearson - an idealistic skeptic and experienced digital leader based in the UK.

No AI was involved in the generation of this photo. I really am that bald.

This is my personal website. I write about the things I find most interesting - mainly emerging technology and its impact on society.

I try not to be offensive but you can’t please everyone. If you’re offended, stop reading.

Strong opinions, lightly held.

I have a background in performing arts but, since the invention of the web, I’ve been advising organisations about all manner of digital “stuff”. If you want the professional-sounding crap, here’s my LinkedIn profile.

People tell me my Deciphered Newsletter is pretty good. All the advice is to commit to a regular publishing schedule but, you know, life. You can get it at the bottom of this page. Join 1000+ clever-clogs just like you.

Um, what else?

I have a dog, nuclear family and live in a village on the Kent Downs, so I lucked-out at life. Want a picture of the dog? Here’s one.

Nyssa I shall snoot you in your face!

Tech Stuff

This is a personal playground for general tinkering. Here’s how it’s built: