Too many transcription agents

Produced by DALL-E

”The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” B.F. Skinner

Ever felt like your meetings have become a battleground for digital dominance? One moment, you’re chatting with your team, and the next, you’re swarmed by a horde of AI transcription assistants, each vying for a piece of the conversational pie. It’s like someone left the back door open, and now every bot and its cousin has joined the meeting.

Etiquette? What Etiquette?

There’s no clear etiquette for this brave new world of AI note-taking. Should you politely ask everyone if they’re okay with being transcribed? And which one of these digital note-takers is supposed to be the note-taker? It’s like trying to pick the best musician in a band where everyone’s playing a different instrument — chaos.

Smarter Noise

And don’t even get me started on how sophisticated these little bastards have become. They can isolate tasks from feedback, recognise names and places, and even differentiate between “action item” and “random rambling.” But here’s the rub: all this intelligence is about as useful as a chocolate teapot if it’s not connected to your other business systems. Sure, it’s great that an AI can highlight tasks, but what’s the point if those tasks don’t get automatically fed into a task management system? Without that, it’s just another layer of digital noise.

Nobody Reads Transcripts

Oh, and let’s be honest: NOBODY has time to sift through a full meeting transcript. I mean, who are these people who have endless hours to relive every ‘um’ and ‘ah’ of a 90-minute meeting? They don’t exist. If you’re not pulling out actionable insights and automating the follow-ups, then your AI assistant is just a very sophisticated eavesdropper.

Try this: Next time you’re in a meeting, take charge. Decide upfront which AI gets to stay, and make sure it’s plugged into the systems that matter. Otherwise, it’s just another bot clogging up your bandwidth with semantic noise.

  1. MetaGPT on GitHub
    MetaGPT is an open-source project that reimagines the architecture of AI by integrating multiple GPT models to work collaboratively. This allows for enhanced capabilities in tasks such as complex problem-solving and more context-aware interactions. It’s a fascinating approach to making AI systems more modular and adaptable, similar to how human teams operate with different members specialising in various roles.

  2. Miro’s Intelligent Canvas
    Intelligent Canvas by Miro is a visual tool that integrates AI to help users design and iterate on creative projects more effectively. It uses AI to suggest improvements, generate ideas, and streamline the creative process, making it easier for non-designers to produce professional-grade work. This tool could be particularly useful for professionals looking to enhance their presentations or meeting materials.

  3. Wolfram LLM Benchmarking Project
    Wolfram’s LLM Benchmarking Project aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of large language models (LLMs) in various contexts. This project benchmarks models like GPT-4, testing their capabilities across a range of tasks, from simple Q&A to more complex reasoning and problem-solving. For those curious about the capabilities and limitations of AI, especially in professional tools like meeting assistants, this project offers a detailed look at how these models perform.

Too many transcription agents
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Too many transcription agents