Hi there! I'm Phil Dearson - an idealistic skeptic and experienced digital leader based in the UK. I've advised over 200 organisations across almost every industry.

Basic AI training

Basic AI training

Basic AI training can help when trying to coordinate the use of AI tools across and between teams.

AI made me obsolete

AI made me obsolete

The only way to stay in the game is to reinvent yourself repeatedly.

UX tips for chatbot trust

UX tips for chatbot trust

While experimenting with Formless, I learned a few things about chatbot UX and trust.

Getting started with automation

Getting started with automation

Want to reduce your workload and stress by automating some tasks? Find out how to get started.

Evergreen AI principles

Evergreen AI principles

In the trough of disillusionment, general negativity is to be expected. The genie is out of the bottle so we should get on with adapting to it.

Illuminating the dark forest

Illuminating the dark forest

Could indieweb practices bring some illumination from the cozy web to the corporate dark forest?