Hi there! I'm Phil Dearson - an idealistic skeptic and experienced digital leader based in the UK. I've advised over 200 organisations across almost every industry.

Threads - will we never learn

Threads - will we never learn

Please don't get excited by Meta's new Twitter competitor Threads. It's the same old unethical, exploitative BS wrapped up in a new skin.

The age of synthetic computing

The age of synthetic computing

What sets Synthetic Computing apart is its ability to understand context and establish connections across domains.

Priorities for a new world

Priorities for a new world

With so many options, and such wide-ranging change across so many functions, how can you possibly prioritise?

Remembering magic and logic

Remembering magic and logic

For charities, the main trouble with the old-school procurement approach is that it risks excluding the very people that can help you the most.

Getting started with generative AI for charities on a budget

Getting started with generative AI for charities on a budget

In this article, we will explore some of the ways you can begin to create generative AI content without breaking the bank.

How to predict the future

How to predict the future

Projected futures based on the current state of things, or how things have been in the recent past, are poor predictors of the actual future. Randomness shouldn't be underestimated.