Hi there! I'm Phil Dearson - an idealistic skeptic and experienced digital leader based in the UK. I've advised over 200 organisations across almost every industry.

Remote collaboration

Remote collaboration

As someone who's successfully worked remotely for the last 8 years or so, if there is poor collaboration or creativity, it's down to the business approach rather than the physical location of the participants.

Riding out the clusterfuck

Riding out the clusterfuck

The socio-economic clusterfuck has us all taking cover under the metaphorical table as the metaphorical nukes go off.

Coping with apocalypse fatigue

Coping with apocalypse fatigue

There’s been so much bad news for such a long time, with no clear way to make things better, it’s easy to get worn out by it all.

What should you automate?

What should you automate?

Automation operates on tasks, not entire jobs.

Innovation - it's economics all the way down

Innovation - it's economics all the way down

Innovation occurs in the dizzying interplay of forces across all levels of society.

Decision models and trust

Decision models and trust

I’m interested in why decision models are important, now and in the unfolding future.